• LyraOS Core Software

    Hearing Aid Algorithms SDK

  • Introduction

    LyraOS hearing platform is based on the innovation and architect of Software-Defined Hearing. LyraOS Core Software is part of LyraOS platform and includes embedded SDK on chipset and applications on smartphone and PC.

    LyraOS Platform Architecture

  • broken image


    LyraOS hearing platform adopts a new architecture of Software-Defined Hearing that integrates the cloud layer, internet application layer, and embedded application layer. By decoupling software from hardware, we pave a new path for hearing technology architecture. Unlike traditional hardware-defined hearing architectures, this approach allows us to rapidly develop new products tailored to customer needs

  • Embedded Hearing Algorithm SDK

    - running on general purpose SoC

    • WDRC (wide dynamic range compression): 8, 16, 32 and 64 channels
    • AI noise reduction
    • Feedback management
    • Directionality,beamforming, etc.

    Application Hearing SDK

    - running on Windows, iOS and smart phone

    • Fitting and tuning: pure-tone testing, audiogram
    • Hearing device configuration: hearing device control and setup by audiologist or by DIY
    • AI function integrations: multi-language translations, etc.

    Hearing Devices Powered by LyraOS Core Software

    Hearing aid

    Hearing aid catagories

    • Prescription hearing aid
    • OTC hearing aid

    Hearing aid types

    • air conduction hearing aids
    • bone conduction hearing aid
    • open ear hearing aid

    Assistive hearing bud

    Fitting and tuning software